I definitely want to keep them in at all times, so I'd use the thread.
Use new thread. From experience, I've learned that old thread (that was left in storage for a few years... or something equivalent to that, isn't as strong, can become brittle and break. I always use cotton thread.
The thing is that I don't really trust my friends or parents to do it so I guess I'd go to a salon.
You know your circumstances best. Everyone's situation is different.
So with threading do they just connect it to the base of your hair somehow?
See the picture with the loop? That is a single-ended dread. Put the hair through the dread. Then wrap the thread around the dreadlock and hair. I usually wrap a couple time then tie a knot, then wrap, then knot, then wrap, then knot. It makes the knot more secure so that even if the thread breaks in one part it'll still hold from the other knots. I also like to double the thread before tying it onto the dread.
And when you say they last through many washes, what do you mean?
I mean our dreads do not fall apart. A lot of dreads are machine made. They tend to be lose and fall apart easily. Our dreadlocks are handmade and I've never had one fall apart. In fact, they only seem to get stronger over time.
I'm interested in keeping them permanently (wear them constantly for at least a year or so). Would that work?
Your hair grows. Therefore where you tie the dread into the hair will move further and further away from your scalp as your hair grows. Dreads generally need to be taken out and put back in every 6-8 weeks. Therefore, given the above parameters, you could wear them for a year.
I saw you wrote to another customer that you can sew them in.
I'm guessing the other customer had real dreadlocks and wanted to add synthetic dreadlock extensions onto the real dreads or to increase the overall number of dreadlocks to give the look of a fuller head of hair. That's a different circumstance than your situation.
Sorry I have so many questions! But I appreciate it.
No problem. Glad to help!
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