I stumbled on you web site today and i hoping you can help. Do you make dread lock wigs also? I'd like to get a George Clinton type wig within a week. I have an event next week am dressing up as GC.
Yes, we make dreadlock wigs! We could make a George Clinton dreadlock wig. No problem.
Generally speaking, we need more than a

You can always ask but we take our orders first come first serve so it would be a matter of everything just happening to fit right for something like that to work. Plus, we would need the specific colors to be in stock. Generally this isn't a problem as we always keep a large supply of incredible and varied dreadlock colors on hand - both natural and funky!
Let me know if you could help and approximate cost.
With a different time frame, we can definitely make this wig. No problem!
Thanks, Chrissy
You're welcome!
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