Get Your LiLash!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Question: Can you tell me the total cost of the dreadlocks before purchase?

Long, Thick DreadsQuestion: Could you tell me the cost of everything with shipping and handling and all of that on there before I buy the dreadlocks.

Answer: Absolutely! There are no hidden fees.

The cost of the dreadlocks is listed on our website. This price covers most dreads - including transitional dreads and candycane dreads. It does not, however, cover the cost of extra long or extra thick dreads - such dreads are priced out on an individual basis. All orders are completely priced out before any orders are processed or paid for.

Shipping is always the same price no matter where we ship in the world (as of April 2010 the price is $10 flat).

Hope that helps. Happy Shopping!

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: Will My Dreads Look Real?

Natural Looking DreadsQuestion: Will My Dreads Look Real?

Answer for Christine: That might be a matter of opinion. Obviously, if you're going for blue, green or other colored dreads you aren't going for natural. My dreads are a range of colors from blonde to brown with a touch of gray and sometimes more. Many people seem to think they are real. I don't think I ever thought about the dreadlocks looking real or not, so I don't really care if they look real and am often surprised that so many people do think they look real particularly with the variety of colors.

I would guess that most natural colored synthetic dreadlocks look fairly natural. I can't always tell the difference between fake and real dreads. In general and for most people, it seems very difficult to tell the difference between real and fake dreads as long as they are put in well. Dread bands also help dreads to look real because a dread band will cover the area where the dreads are attached.

Happy Shopping!

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: Can a salon install my dreadlocks?

Tight DreadlocksQuestion: Can I take them to salon and have them installed?

Answer: Sure. A lot of people have salons put them in. There are several salons around now that specialize in dreadlocks. The price range varies from salon-to-salon so you might want to make sure about the price before you do it. If the price seem too high, see if you can get a friend to do it for a fraction of the price. Or, perhaps a friend or family member will do it in trade or because they are the helpful type.

I always put Sophie's dreads in and she always puts mine in. It takes a while but we know exactly what we want and are the best people to do it. You might find the same with people you know. Otherwise, a salon might be the perfect solution to best put your dreadlocks in.

Hope that helps!

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: How Long Can I Keep My Dreads In?

DreadlocksQuestion: How Long Can I Keep My Dreads In?

Answer: Generally, dreadlocks need to be taken out and put in again after about 6 weeks depending on how fast your hair grows.

Our dreadlocks are made to last. Therefore you should be able to wear them for as long as you want as long as you are willing take them out and put them back in as need be.

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: Are Your Dreadlocks Neat and Clean?

Clean DreadlocksQuestion: I read that you backcomb them. Are they clean, neat looking? I saw some online that don't look backcombed, and look really neat, but your dreads look so as well.

Answer: Yes, our dreads are backcombed, clean and neat looking. The picture to the left is a close-up example of what our dreads look like.

Most of the dreads I've seen around the internet are not handmade but rather are machine made by twisting. Twisted dreads are not backcombed and are therefore not meant to last over time and often unravel and fall apart over time. This is inevitably much messier than dreads that get tighter and sturdier over time as do backcombed dreads.

I hope this helps answer your question. Happy Shopping!

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: Do You Make Double Ended Dreads?

Question: Do You Make Double Ended Dreads?

Answer by Christine: Yes! In fact, Sophie is the Queen of the 'I Love Double-Ended Dreads' Club.

According to Sophie, double-ended dreadlocks are easier to put in and look better. I'm not sure about the latter claim but the first part is true. It probably takes about half the time to put in double-ended dreads as it does to put in single ended dreads.

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: Do You Ship Dreadlocks to the States

Shipping DreadlocksQuestion: Do you ship dreads to the US?

Answer: We ship our dreadlocks all over the world. Some of the countries we have shipped to in the past include the US, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea, Japan, China, Norway, Belgium, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

If the country you live in allows you to pay through PayPal then it is a country that we can do business with.

Hope that helps. Happy shopping!

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: I Need The Dreads By A Certain Date. Can I Get Them in Time?

Question: I want my dreadlocks in for a particular event. The date is ___. Can I get them in time?

Answer: If you need your dreads by a certain date it is always best to ask us, in advance, if we can do it by then. Please don't purchase them first then ask in a panic if we can do it by the needed date or ask a week after purchase if the dreadlocks have been sent yet because you need them tomorrow.

All of our dreadlocks are custom and handmade. That means the dreads take time to make. It also means that they are gorgeous beautiful dreads that will last for a very long time and that you can treasure and enjoy wearing. Custom made dreads aren't kept in a drawer. They are made just for you. The dreads are unique to your desires and no one else in the entire world will have a set of dreads like yours. Therefore communication is vital if you've need them by a certain date. It is generally not a problem to accommodate most orders. If we can't do it, we will tell you upfront so you don't waste your time or money and aren't disappointed the dreads aren't there when you need them.

Be upfront with us. Tell us your needs. We'll be upfront with you and tell you whether or not we can do it!

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: So you do have to wash dread extensions?

Question: So you do have to wash dread extensions?

Answer: Yes! It is very important to wash your hair regularly. If you usually shower and wash your hair daily then do the same with the dread extensions.

Our dreads are backcombed and handmade. We take a lot of time and care making each and every dread. This ensures the quality and longevity of your dreadlock extensions.

If you don't bath regularly you'll feel a little grimy. The same is true for dreads. You want they clean, fresh and wonderful. Therefore, wash them regularly! They will become stronger and even more beautiful over time. Plus they will always look and smell great!

Hope that helps!

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: How Long Do Dreads Last & How Do I Care For My Dreadlocks?

Question: How long do synthetic dreadlocks last and what is their care?

Anwser: We haven't met the end of the lifespan of our dreads yet. We've worn them repeatedly and over time for the past three years and have not found them to fall apart or become more fragile. In fact, the dreadlocks only seem to become tighter with time and age.

You would care for your dreadlocks the same as you would your real hair. Don't burn them or cut them unless you want the style and shape to change drastically. Just like with your real hair, once a dread is cut it doesn't go back together.

Wash your dreads regularly just as you would your real hair. Our dreads are sturdy and made to last. They only seem to get stronger and more durable with washing and caring for them. It is important to scrub your scalp to make sure you are keeping it clean. Take some shampoo in the palm of your hand and smother the dreads with it until you have a nice lather. Wash the dreads thoroughly and regularly to ensure they stay fresh, clean, bright and vibrant!

We backcomb our dreads. They are not loose and there is no worry about them falling apart due to washing or any other hygiene reason. Feel free to use all the shampoo you wish on a regular basis! Do not bleach or dye your hair while wearing synthetic or wool dreads. They fibers cannot handle the chemicals and the dreads will not react well. Shampoo is good!

Also read: Will I Need Special Shampoo For My Dreads?

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: How Do Dreadlocks Cost?

Get DreadlocksQuestion: How much do dreads cost?

Answer: We have a price list. Most dreads range between $2.50 - $4 each depending on quantity.

Dreads start at $4 ea. and get cheaper depending on the number of dreads you want to purchase.

Extra thick or extra long dreads generally start at $4 each without a price break for bulk orders or cost a little more due to the extra materials and time they take to make.

Some dreads we won't make at all... such as 6 ft long, 6 in wide dreads. Yes, people have asked. No, we won't change our minds.

Here is a link to our price list: Cost of Dreadlocks

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: Can I get 20 waist-length dreads?

Long DreadsQuestion: All I want, initially, is to add about 20 waist-length dreads to my head. (My hair is currently medium brown, shoulder-length. How much more boring could you get?!) I'd wear my hair up all the time, and I would still like some of my natural hair to show in between the synthetic dreads. Is this going to look ridiculous??

Answer by Christine: While we can make waist-length dreadlocks they are a special order because of the extra long length and time it takes to make them. The cost would be $6 ea with no bulk discount.

My hair is mousy brown so I can completely relate.

If you plan to wear the dreadlocks up all the time then there should be no problem with the difference between the length of the dreads and your real hair. You could also braid or dread your real hair to add to the style and add another level of variation. Sophie just did it to a friend's hair. It looks really cool.

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: Can I Use Styling Products or Conditioners With Dreads?

cyber dreadsQuestion: I won't be able to use any style products or conditioners? (Does that include a frizz remover?) (If I can use frizz remover, can it be used on the dreads themselves, as they can get very frizzy?)

Answer: There is no need for conditioner since the dreads are not real. I have not found steering clear of conditioner while the dreads are in have damaged my hair in any way. Styling products are not necessary when the dreads are in since you've pretty much got the style you're going to have with the inclusion or exclusion of the desired hair band.

Some people have a mix of real hair and dreads. If that's the case then you'll want to use the same conditioner you usually use. While I don't have a need for conditioner while the dreads are in, people who have mixed dreads with their natural hair will want to continue using the conditioner to protect their hair.

I would not recommend a frizz remover just because I haven't used one and don't know how the product's chemicals will react with the synthetic dreadlocks. That being said, there is no reason to use a frizz remover. The dreads will not become frizzier with time, rather they will become less frizzy and tighter. If the hair near the scalp is getting a little frizzy just bath and it'll all become smooth and easy again. If you only wash your hair a couple times a week you will notice that after your hair is frizzier the longer you wait to wash it. Just wash your hair every couple of days and you shouldn't have a problem with your hair getting frizzy. The dreads themselves will not get frizzy. I can say about our dreads from experience as they only get tighter and sturdier over time, never frizzier. Hope that helps!

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: How Often Can I Wash My Dreadlocks & Scalp?

Washing DreadsQuestion: I'll only be able to wash scalp up to 2 times a week?

Answer: You can wash your hair 15 times a day, if you like, without harming the dreads. Please do wash the dreads directly with the normal shampoo that you would usually use (no dyes or bleaches). And although it's a little trickier to wash the scalp once the dreads are in it is important to wash and scrub your scalp regularly. None of the above processes will harm our dreads in any way. On the contrary, washing the dreads will make them stronger and more durable over time. It will also keep the frizzies away.

If you don't wash your hair and scalp regularly, you'll probably get dandruff. No need for that! Just wash your hair and scalp! Our dreads will not fall apart or be harmed by proper hygiene. Instead, they will be clean, fresh, beautiful and even more durable then before they were washed.

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: Will I be able to remove the dreads without damaging my hair?

Removing DreadlocksQuestion: I'll be able to remove them whenever (granted it'll take 6 hours to re-install), with no damage to my real hair?

If you cut your hair while trying to take the extensions out then you'll damage your hair otherwise your hair should be fine.

Removing dreadlocks will not, in and of itself, damage your hair. We have found that dreads need to be taken out and put back in approximately every 6 weeks or so, depending on how fast your hair grows. But of course, you can take the dreads out at any time.

Suggestion: Have another person remove the string, yarn or elastics if you are using scissors because it is all too easy to accidentally cut your hair thinking it was the yarn when you do it yourself.

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: Will I need special shampoo for dread extensions?

washing dreadlocksQuestion: Will I need special shampoo for dread extensions? I am aware you only wash the scalp.

Answer from Sophie: No special shampoo is nessecary, any old shampoo will do fine.

Answer from Chrsitine: It's fine to wash the dreadlocks each and every time you wash your hair. Hair gets dirty. There is stuff in the air and in the environment that can cling to your dreads just like it would regular hair. Washing the dreads will not hurt then. In fact, our experience is that the dreads get tighter when washed. This only makes them even stronger over time. I take a handful of shampoo and lather it thoroughly throughout my dreads to make sure that they are clean and don't get dingy. Since the dreads are attached to the hair it is necessary to wash the scalp separately and it's a little tricky since you can't just scrub away like you did before you had dreads. Nonetheless, it's possible and simply takes an extra minute more than it did before you had dreadlocks.

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: How long will my dreadlocks last?

kanekalon dreadlocksQuestion: How long will my dreadlocks last?

Answer: My person experience has been that the dreads last a very long time. I have never had them fall apart. I make them in a way that takes more time but assures quality and durability. I cannot give you a time-frame on how long they last since I have never heard of them falling apart and I've been wearing them on and off for over three years. Obviously, if you cut them in half, burn them or something to that extent which is beyond normal wear-and-tear that will bring an end to the dreads long life-span.

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: How Can I Ensure I Will Receive My Dreadlocks?

Get DreadlocksQuestion: How can I ensure I will receive my dreads, and not get jipped-no offense, just need to know I can trust who I'm giving money to.

Answer: One of the great things about PayPal is that they cover the buyer when placing an order. PayPal is used, trusted and respected all over the world. We use PayPal because we know our buyers can rest assured that their order is safe when ordering. Additionally, PayPal is simple and easy to use. We understand the concern you have and have felt the same when when making online purchase. When we see the PayPal sign it makes us feel more secure and trusting of the transaction. Hope that helps!

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: How Long Will It Take To Make My Dreadlocks?

Blue DreadsQuestion: How long will it take to make my dreadlocks?

Answer: The answer to that questions varies depending on the size of the order, the number of orders ahead of yours, and the size of the orders ahead of yours.

We try to get orders out within two weeks. If we've got three 100+ dread orders before yours and your order is also large than there is a good chance it will take closer to four weeks to get the order to you.

We have a lot of hair in stock but when special hair orders are needed to fill a request we need to wait for the hair to arrive before we can start making the dreads.

There are many factors that come into play as to how long it takes to send dreads out once the purchase has been made. No orders are accepted and started until after payment has been made. All orders are custom. We don't keep dreads in stock or make a back supply of dreads because each order is as individualized as the people who order them.

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Questions: Will I get progress photos to show how the dreads are coming?

synthetic dreadlocksQuestion: Will I get progress photos to show how the dreads are coming?

Answer: We make a lot of dreads. While we often take pictures of the dreadlocks once the order is finished, it is not something we do religiously. Therefore, if you would specifically like a picture of the dreadlocks before they are sent please request it and we'll do our best.

**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

Question: Shakira Dreads

Shakira DreadsQuestion: I'm new to dreadlocks. I'm somewhat a girly girl, but have wanted dreads for quite some time. I do want them to be semi-pretty dreads though, like when Shakira got dreadlocks.
I do have some questions, and was wondering how to order.
Please let me know, Thanks!

Answer: We can do Shakira-like dreads no problem! You would want long, blond, thin double-ended dreads (the double-ended will give the same kind of volume Shakira has). The thin dreads tend to have a softer, girlier, more graceful look than the thick, chunkier alternative. Payments go through Paypal to I would suggest between 60-80 double-ended dreads for a full head of hair, depending on how much density you are looking for.

Let me know if you have further questions!


**Making and selling custom dreads worldwide since 2007**
We make dreads that fit you, your personality & your life!
*Buy dreads here*

The trusted source for your family pet's natural health care.

Dread Questions: Email address

Buy DreadlocksQuestion: I had some questions about dreadlocks and was just checking to make sure this is the right e-mail address.

Answer: The email to inquire about and buy dreads from us is:

For some reason a lot of people who are interested in Sophie's dreads aren't sure if she is still making them. The answer is yes. Sophie has made dreads since 2007 and continues making them for people around the world to this day. It's a great job for her and she makes some of the best dreads on the market. I love knowing that one head at a time Sophie is helping to make our world a more colorful and beautiful place to live.

Both Sophie and I either currently or in the past have worn her dreads for extended periods of time so we are both well informed and can both answer any questions you might have about buy, wearing or the up keep of the dreads.