Get Your LiLash!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Steaming Kanekalon Dreads

kanekalon dreadsJust wondering, I made some Kanekalon fiber dreads and boiled them to seal them and also have touched them up with using a steam iron... They stick together so badly, drives me the hell can I fix them!?

A torch? Just kidding.

Did you use a hair products on the dreads? Gel? Hairspray? Wax? Mousse? I'm not sure why the dreads you made are sticking together. Synthetic fibers backcombed are ratty and therefore loose pieces can maybe cling to another piece from another dreads but it doesn't really sound like that is the problem you are running into.

We don't steam iron our dreads. So I don't have experience as to how that might effect the process.

Have you tried wool dreads. They are very soft... at least for the first while. After a few weeks they get lint balls like a sweater might so they don't have the longevity of synthetic dreads. But wool dreads are smooth and warm - which is perfect for winter. Wool dreads are also very heavy when you wash them in the tub/shower. Whereas, synthetic dreads do not get heavy since they are a synthetic fiber the water doesn't hold to the dread.

Have you tried washing the dreads? If it is a hair product then a little shampoo should fix it.

Well, those are all the suggestions I have. Let me know if you figure out what has caused it. And, let me know if you'd like us to make some dreads for you. Ours aren't sticky. :-)

Crocheting Dreads vs A More Natural Approach

Crocheting Dreads into hairHey, I was going to order your synthetic dreads.. and extend them onto my existing dreads using a crochet hook. I have about 30 fat & skinny dreads in my hair and theyre all about 2 weeks old. I dont like how short they are. I wanted to know if you have any advice on how I go about doing this? thank you!

Hi Morgan,

Thanks for contacting us! Why not just allow your dreads to be as they are. Buy synthetic dreads and attach them at the root next to your real dreads. This will allow your real dreads to go without harming the ends or look of them while also allowing you additional length with the synthetic dreads.

We've made dreads for several people with short dreads who have supplemented the length with our dreads. It seems to work very well for them.

Also, while I haven't actually seen the look in person, it seems like attaching synthetic dreads to the ends of real dreads would have a high probability of looking like one is trying to hide something... if that makes sense. Like the person doesn't want you to know the real length of their dreads so they are trying to fake it. I could be wrong. I just don't see how it would be very easy to get the synthetic hair to look like real hair on the same dreadlock. Of course, if you have blue dreads and want to add pink to the end for length that might look really cool. But matching blondes or browns might be a bit more difficult.

Real hair and synthetic dreads side-by-side seem to work fine together. In fact, I'm always surprised at how many people assume the dreads are natural. I'd love to find out how you proceed and what you found to work for best.

Either way, we would be happy to make the dreads for you. Just let us know what you need.

All the best!


Shipping Dreads to South Africa

Shipping Dreadlocks to South AfricaI would like to know how many dreads I need for a full head (sharpie dreads), how to put it the dreadlocks in and what the cost will be I'm from South Africa and if you have any shop that can implant the dreads. Are all the dreads the same hair type or are the different. I have black hair.

Hi Ronelle!

I would use between 60-85 sharpie thickness dreadlocks for a full head of hair. We usually make synthetic dreadlocks but we can also make wool dreadlocks. Both can come in just about any color you can dream up. We definitely have black!

Yes, we do ship to South Africa. In fact, we have made dreads for several people in South Africa.

We only make dreadlocks. We do not put them in for people. South Africa would probably be a little out of the way even if we did put them in. ;-) But there are a lot of salons around the world that off the service. I would think that it would not be too difficult to find a salon there that would do it for you. That being said, although it takes a little time to put the dreads in
Jack Sparrow Dreads
it is a relatively easy process and a friend might be able to help you out with it!

I will send two invoices. One for 60 dreads and one for 85 dreads. Let me know if there you have any other questions!



Thursday, September 29, 2011

Light Blond Dreadlocks

blonde white dreadsHello, My name is Talissa.
Hi Talissa!

I am looking to get some dread extensions. My friend is doing them for me and she has done the "double ended dreads" ? Where she braids them into my hair? Do you have those kind? or something like it.
Yes! We make double-ended dreads. We also make single-ended dreads.

I have white blonde hair so I would like the lightest blonde you have.
No problem. We can do that!

Also I have half my head shaved so I was wondering how many you think I would need.
40-60 dreads

And if you could throw in a couple colored ones like yellow?
Of course. Very cool!

If you could get back to me when you have time that would be great!
Thank you and have a beautiful day!
Thank you! You, too!



Jack Sparrow Dreads Needed for Halloween

Hi there, I'm interested in ordering a set of dreads for my Jack Sparrow costume. I'm probably looking at about 15 to 20 dreads, from lengths of 12 to 20 inches. What do you suggest?

Hi Geoffrey!

No problem. We can do that! I've sent an invoice. If you're interested in having us create the dreadlocks for you in time for Halloween, I suggest putting your order in as soon as possible. We tend to get pretty busy with Jack Sparrow orders this time of year!

Thanks for thinking of us!



Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Synthetic vs Real Dreads

dreads for saleWhen I do get the synthetic dreads and attach them (I don't have natural dreads yet) I read that keeping them in longer than usual can cause your hair to start dreading on it's own, is that true?

My personal experience is that when I have left the dreads in for 4 weeks or more my hair had begun to dread naturally. That being said, I would just use a healthy amount of conditioner and the dreads would naturally unravel. I would assume that there is a way to encourage the growth of those dreads to continue. Since that has never been my goal, I have no experience or knowledge to share on it.

I'm debating on whether I want to dread my hair now and add synthetic or add the synthetic and continue the dreading after.
Well, I guess that would be a personal choice. If you've never had dreads then synthetic dreadlocks would allow you to see what having dreads is like and give you the immediate gratification of having them right away. You could then take them out and start up your own dreads. Remember, your hair will be a couple inches longer then. Then, you could always put the same synthetic dreads back in your hair!

Sorry for all these weird/dumb questions.
transition dreads

Not weird or dumb. Rather, they are perfect normal questions to think about when considering dreads and how you might want them to interact in your life.

I just don't want to spend a ton of time, not to mention pain in my arms, dreading my hair if it will start naturally with the synthetic.

Oh, well... then I would go with synthetic first. :-)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Attaching & Washing Synthetic Dreadlocks

dreads for headsHello,

Hi Leah!

I was wondering. I used to have dreads and I was not able to get them to "lock" like they should have. I'm not sure why. I waited a while after doing them to wash it, and when I did I used a bar of organic soap to do so, no conditioner. Anyway, I was thinking about doing them again and was wondering how long I should wait before washing and then how long before adding extensions?

I think you might be on a mission to do something that is not something we do. We make synthetic dreadlocks which we attach to real human hair that is currently alive and growing out of your head.

There is no downtime, no need to wait dread your own hair. That is a completely different process. There is no need to wait for your hair to grow. And! We don't
Synthetic Dreads
attach dreads to your own dreads that are growing in.

If you want to grow your own dreads and they are still quite short but you want long dreads, it is possible to attach the synthetic dread at the root/scalp along side the real dread and in no way affecting the growth of the real dread. This would allow for length while allowing your real dreads to grow in naturally.

I've never had any desire to grow real dreads and therefore have no actual experience with the process of it.

With our dreads, just wash your scalp and hair as often as you normally would. Personally, I have found that wet dreads are a little heavy and ours are very tight so they can hold a rich, thick shampoo very well. This means it takes a while to wash
Synthetic Dreadlocks
it out. Therefore, I generally just dilute the shampoo which I'm
washing the dreads with while also using full shampoo at my scalp. That works best for me.

We don't put and leave any kind of soap or wax in the dreads. It's all very clean and fabulous smelling! :-) It also looks great and is easy to care as you're growing your real dreads.

Also, when I do get the extensions, which I want for length not fullness.

Right away! There is nothing to wait for.

I saw a video once where the "fake" dread was placed at the end of the natural dread and then sort of knotted into eachother.

I can't imagine why a person would do that. Just let your real dreads grow and compliment them with the synthetic dreads until your real dreads are the length you
want them. I'd worry that the real dreads might not fair too well if you tried to add extensions to them. Plus, real hair and synthetic hair are not the same so the top half being real hair mixed with the bottom half of the same dread being fake doesn't
seem like it would look good. Now, I've seen a lot of real dreads mixed in with synthetic dreads - side by side - and that looks great perhaps because one isn't trying to turn a dread into something it's not. Real dreads are real. Synthetic dreads are synthetic. Perhaps posing one as the other doesn't work but putting them side-by-side and allowing them both to shine in their full glory works great!

That probably makes no sense...what I mean is the girl who was doing it used a
crochet hook to pull up parts of the synthetic and pull down parts of the natural so they would end up locking together. Would you recommend this with this type?


I'm just wondering because I want kind of a "seamless" transition into the synthetic dreads. Thanks!!

I'd put them side-by-side. Let your real dreads grow into the fabulous long dreads they will become. Attach the synthetic dreads at the root of them. I would assume the look would be more nature... freer... and not trying to be something it is not. Even synthetic dreads are based in one's own nature and organic style. It is still about being true to one's self, one's taste and one's perceptions. I don't see how trying to turn something into something it isn't would work.

I understand how you could want to take this person's word for it, especially if she seems more knowledgeble than yourself or if you're looking for suggestions but I just don't agree with her approach on this. It might work for some and that's wonderful for them. But it's not something we do, have any desire to do or could in any way help you to reach that end.

Synthetic dreads of fabulous length we can do!

Thanks for your interesting dilemma. I hope this helps and best of luck figuring it all out!

Kind regards,


Friday, September 23, 2011

Dreadlocks for a Wedding


I am getting married October 15th, this year. I have dreads already and was wanting to buy dread extensions to make my hair fuller and longer for my wedding.
Cool! We've actually made dreads for a bride before. She sent the pics. Both she and her hair looked gorgeous!

If I were to order dreads this week when would you be able to have them to me?
It did not say on your site how long they take to make and ship to get here. And i would need them here for my wedding. :)
We ship our dreadlocks within 6 weeks depending on how many orders we have in front of theirs and if we have the dread hair is in stock. I can ensure the dreads are shipped early enough to arrive before your wedding. We would probably be able to ship them before Oct. 3rd.

We do have several orders already ordered and qued to be created. So, if this is something you would like to move forward with, it would be best to place your order as soon as possible since we work on a first come, first serve basis and if we were to get a couple large orders in before yours it could change our shipping schedule. ...but I think it would be fine if you order this week. :-)

Also, how do I see the color I'm buying? I think I need a platinum blond but I'm not to sure.
We do not have a color chart. People tell us the color(s) they want and we make it.

We have a 'near white' which is slightly lighter than the platinum blond. We could mix the two. Just a thought. Sometimes people like to buy more than one color.

If you could get back to me right away that would be great! Thank you so much!


My pleasure!



Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jack Sparrow Dreads for Halloween

jack sparrow dreads

Hi Chris!

I came across your site while searching for kanekalon dreads to improve my Jack Sparrow costume for Halloween. Last year I bought one of those rasta hats from a costume store, cut off the dreads and sewed them onto a bandana for the costume, but the dreads ended up looking really cheap and fell apart very easily. So this year I'm looking for some higher quality dreads, and I was told to search for kanekalon, would you be able to help?

Sure, we can definitely help! In fact, we get many orders for Jack Sparrow dreads. I've never worn any dreads other than our own and ours only seem to get stronger and tighter over time, but I often hear stories of dreads that fall apart. I believe those dreads are made from a machine or not properly made by people. They fall apart because they aren't put together very well in the first place. Machines, apparently, can't backcomb, twist and tighten like humans which makes the dreads looser and more likely to fall apart.

My guess is that if you buy our dreads you'll never need to buy another set of dreads for this purpose again, unless you so choose. Our kanekalon dreadlocks will last you a very long time... most likely forever. This means you'll be able to wear them for as many Halloweens as you like! :-)

Basically I'm looking to buy around 20-30 extra thick, black/dark brown colored dreads that I can wear along with my real hair. I only had 12 or so last year and it was definitely not enough to cover all the way around my head and get a good "Jack Sparrow" look. Sorry I'm a complete newbie when it comes to dreads so I'm not even sure what to ask for as far as single/double ended or how to attach them. I'd appreciate any suggestions you might have. How much would all of that cost and would it be possible to get them in time for Halloween?

We can do that! No problem! I'll send two invoices - one for 20 dreads and the other for 30 dreads.

I'd suggest single-ended dreads. It sounds like you take them out after 'costume parties'. Single-ended dreadlocks come with a loop at one end. Take a bobbie pin and simply attach the dread with the bobby pin into your hair. This way, at the end of the night you can simply take them out. No one will be able to see the bobby pins as long as you tuck the it under the nearby hair. I've done this myself and it worked fine!

Yes, we could get them to you in time for Halloween as long as the order is made very soon and no additional orders come in before yours. We are working on several orders right now and create dreads on a first come first serve basis. Therefore, time would be of the essence.

Thanks for your time.


My pleasure!



Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Shipping Dreadlocks to Australia

Hi Amy!

Just wondering if you ship to Australia at all?
We sure do! In fact, we've shipped many orders to different parts of Australia. :-)

If so, how long would it take to make an order and send it out?
That depends on if we have the colors in stock or if we need to order the colors, as well as how many orders we have before yours. Did you need them by a certain date? What is your timeframe. How many dreads are you need, which colors, and what would be the length and width (pencil or sharpie) of the dreads?



Monday, September 19, 2011

How to Put Single-Ended Dreads In?

attaching single-ended dreadsHow do I put single-ended dreads in?

You have options. You can braid it around the dread before tying the dread off. Or, after looking the hair through the dread it can be braided. Both techniques work well and look good. It's really more of a personal choice.

Dreadlocks: Considering Length and Needs

single-ended dreadlocksThat is a decent price however I don't have the money at the moment I can only afford 200 maybe 250. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to order from you guys. Thanks so much though =]

So, I have a suggestion. Instead of ordering 45 super long double-ended dreads, you could order 75 single-ended dreads at a length between approximately 22-26".

This would give you the length you want and you would be able to buy them at a price you can afford. I would recommend getting them somewhere between a pencil and sharpie thickness.
I think you'd be very happy with the above dreads. It would be a full head of hair and look absolutely gorgeous.
I really don't recommend buying super long double-ended dreads. They can be very heavy and pull too much on any particular part of the scalp instead of dispersing the weight more evenly. Single-ended dreads also don't have to be taken out as often and still look great in... if not better!
I'll send you an invoice, just in case this seems like a good fit for you!

Dyeing Dreadlocks

attaching dreadlocksYou can't dye your hair while synthetic dreads are in.

That being said, dreads need to be taken out and put back in about as often as hair needs to be re-dyed.

So, the easiest thing to do would be to re-dye the hair at the same time you are planning on re-attaching the dreadlocks!

Long Double-Ended Darkest Brown Dreads

This would be my first time using a dread style in my hair and I've been informed double ended dreads may be easier and lighter...
Double-ended dreads are quicker to put it. They have to be taken out and put in again more often than single-ended dreads because they are not as secure so as the hair grows out it will be necessary to put them in again more often. It's a trade off.

I do not believe double ended dreads are lighter. In fact, it would seem that they would be twice as heavy since they have twice as much material per dread.

I have hair that ends roughly mid back so I'm not sure how long the dread would need to be but I would like them to be close to my color (a dark brown that looks black at the roots) I've attached a picture with fairly good lighting...
No problem at all. The darkest brown would be perfect!

If I were to purchase 45 double ended dread extensions (that would make 90 in my hair correct?)

How much would I be charged per dread and about what length should they be?
It sounds like you need dreads that are between 48-52"

I'll send you an invoice. If you have any questions just let me know.

Thanks so much for taking on my burden lol I look forward to your response.

My pleasure! If you don't ask, you won't know. :-)



Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dread Questions for the Newbie

girl dreadlocks

Hi Ell!

I never had dreads before and i need to ask a few questions, so I'd appreciate if you answer.

Sounds good! I'll do my best to answer your questions as effectively as I can!

I have attatched a photo of my hair length right now, How many dreads will i need to make like a streaked kind of look?

Love the photo!

I'm guessing you mean that you want the dreads placed intermingled and randomly throughout your hair. If that be the case, I'd guess you'd want between 30-40 single-ended dreads.

I don't want a full head of dreads. I want them to look evenly placed out in my hair if that
makes sense...

Yeah! I think I got it! Totally makes sense and sounds cool!

Does it?

Yup! Totally makes sense. :-)

Or do you think that will go horribly wrong?

No, I don't think it would go horribly wrong as far as how it would look. I think it would look absolutely fantastic. Sophie has a friend who did exactly what you are describing and it seemed to work fine for her. The pictures are of that girl's half dread/half hair look. Although I didn't do her hair, I believe she had dreads, braids and loose hair, as well.

I think i might actually go for a half head look,
make the dreads longer than my actual hair length too. What do you think?

I'm not sure how it would look with the dreads longer than your real hair. That's up to you. Personally, I can't envision it. I would opt for the dreads the same approximate length as your hair. But you should do whatever makes you most comfortable and what you would like to wear. It's your hairstyle!

Also, single end or double end?

I would suggest single-ended but either would work fine.

Which ones are better? And how can i attatch them?

Both single-ended dreads and double-ended dreads are great. It just depends on preference and/or purpose. Double-ended dreadlocks are easier and quicker to put in. But if you plan on leaving the dreads in for a while then single-ended dreadlocks will last longer before you need to take them out and put them back in. Also, if you decide that it is hard to wash your hair and dreads at the same time and want to be able to take the dreads out before washing your hair and then easily put the dreadlocks back in you might want to attach bobby pins to the single-ended dreads. For your purposes, single-ended dreads just seem a little more versatile. But both would work fine. Bobby pins could be attached to double-ended dreadlocks as well.

Sorry for all the silly questions but im really interested in this and I'd love to get some dreads.

No problem at all. It's important that you ask the questions you need the answers to so that you can get the right set of dreads for your personal style!

I'd appreciate a reply, thank you!


My pleasure. I'll send you an invoice. If that works for you just let me know the color(s) you want if different than the hair color in the photo, or if you have any other questions.

